

111-4日,第一届亚洲发育与比较免疫学大会(1st Congress of Asian Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology)在大连召开。本次会议由亚洲发育与比较免疫学会(Asian Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology)和大连海洋大学共同主办,吸引了来自美国、瑞典、荷兰、日本、泰国、埃及等国家和国内科研院所的400名专家学者参会。


实验室的孙洁洁老师做了题为“An ancient BCR molecule-mediated signaling promotes the production of immunoglobulin domain-containing proteins and hemocyte phagocytpsis in oyster”的口头报告,研究生董迷忍、刘宇、张玉坤、杨文文、韩子蓉和吴昭君等同学分别作了题为“The molecular marker of granulocytes SOX11 modulates the granulocytes phenotype via SUMOylation in oyster Crassostrea gigas”、“DM9-containing protein 4 (CgDM9CP-4) from oyster Crassostrea gigas mediating immune recognition and opsonization”、“The increased expression of an engrailed gene to sustain shell formation in response to ocean acidification”、“FLP1 functions as a PRR to interact with MASPL-1 to mediate hemocyte phagocytosis in oyster”、“ATG10autophagy-related 10 regulates the formation of autophagosome in the anit-virus immune response of Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas”、“STAT mediates anti-bacterial immune response by promoting the expression of cytokines, antimicrobial peptides and nitric oxide in Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas”的墙报展示。实验室的报告内容聚焦在长牡蛎固有免疫系统的调控机制研究,从多角度为长牡蛎免疫系统的解析提供新的证据和思路。其中,董迷忍、刘宇、张玉坤同学的墙报展示获得了优秀墙报展示奖